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Browser compatibility

onboard is a cloud-based software that can be accessed via an internet browser.

Which browsers are suitable

The system is supported by all popular browsers. Which browser you want to use is therefore up to you. Cloud-based, you can use the software from any device that has Internet access – be it a computer, tablet or smartphone.

Diese Browser werden unterstützt:

Google Chrome (recommended)newest version
Firefoxnewest version and ESR
Safari2 newest main versions
Microsoft Edge2 newest main versions
Internet Explorer11
AndroidQ (10.0), Pie (9.0), Oreo (8.0), Nougat (7.0)
iOS2 newest main versions

For security reasons, we advise against using Internet Explorer and recommend using its successor, Microsoft Edge. Internet Explorer uses an outdated security concept that is no longer compatible with modern encryption.

Updated on 05/07/2023

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