Data query form

Employee files can be filled very easily by generating a data form.


This tool is indispensable for obtaining the data of a new employee easily and simply, or for completing existing files. The digital form also offers the option of inquire documents. Collecting and maintaining data is therefore very easy, as you can collect the information quickly and the employees themselves are responsible for the accuracy of the data.

Create data form template

Individually created templates allow you to use the data form quickly. If you require different data or documents depending on the work area of the new employee, you can prepare a separate form template for each user case. Your needs can be met flexibly.

And this is how it works:

  1. Open the “Data query form” tab in the main menu under “Settings” -> “Talent Management” -> “General”
  2. Click on the “+” button at the bottom right
  3. The “Add item” pop-up opens
  4. Select the name of the template
  5. Select the period of link validity of the form
  6. Specify whether you want to use the template to query fields in the employee file and/or documents:
    • Fields in the employee file:
      Select which fields the template should contain
    • Document upload:
      Select the folder in which the document is to be stored
      As a note, you can tell your employees which documents should be uploaded
  7. Save the template

onboard provides three data query templates that you can use as a basis for editing or duplicating.

Sending via employee file

The data form templates can be selected directly in the employee file and sent to the employee.

And this is how it works:

  1. Click on the desired status in the main menu under “Talent management” -> “Employee file” (e.g. “New” or “Active”)
  2. Click on the desired employee
  3. You are now in the overview of the employee file
  4. Click on “Generate data query” in the administration box on the right
  5. The pop-up “Generate data query” opens
  6. Select the desired template
  7. Click on “Show preview and generate link”
  8. To see the form from the employee’s perspective, click on “Show preview”
  9. When you are satisfied, click on “Send message to employee” – “Send e-mail”
  10. You will be redirected to the communication
  11. Select the “Data query” template, the link to the form is automatically inserted in the message
  12. Confirm with “Next” and “Send”

You can find the instructions for creating mail templates here: Mail templates E-mail template

If you would like to send the data form to your employees via other media, you can copy the link to the form and use it as you wish.

Sending to several employees

Obtaining documents or information from several employees at the same time is easy to control via “communication”.

Management of the mail template:

Open and edit e-mail template:

  1. Click on “Communication” in the main menu on the left
  2. You are now in the overview
  3. Click on the tab “E-mail templates”
  4. Here you will find the “Data query” email template
  5. To edit the template, click on the three action points next to the entry and select “Edit”
  6. You can now customize the text of the template according to your wishes
    Make sure you do not remove the placeholder for the form

Create a new e-mail template:

  1. Click on “Communication” in the main menu on the left
  2. You are now in the overview
  3. Click on the “E-mail templates” tab at the top
  4. Here you will find the “Data query” email template
  5. Click on the three action points next to the entry to duplicate the template
  6. You can now customize the text of the template according to your wishes
  7. Insert the placeholder for the desired data query. You will find the placeholders for your templates in the formatting bar next to the ? symbol.

Sending the template:

  1. Click on “Communication” in the main menu on the left
  2. You are now in the overview of your messages
  3. Click on the “+” button at the bottom right
  4. Select “Send e-mail”
  5. You will be taken to the employee selection screen. Select your employees directly from the list, using the search function, or filter by location, department and status
  6. Once you have made your selection, click on “Next”
  7. Now select your template
    If “Empty template” is selected, you can add the text and placeholder individually
  8. Edit the text of your email and add attachments if required
  9. Click on “Next”
  10. You are now at the overview of your message before sending
  11. Check the recipients and the preview, if an error is detected, you will receive a warning here
  12. Click on “Send”
  13. Confirm the sending in the pop-up “Send message” by clicking on “OK”

Frequently asked questions

How do I send the e-mail template for the data query to all my new employees?

  1. Click on the “New” or “Active” status in the main menu
  2. Sort the list of your employees according to the creation date or the start of the last employment relationship
  3. The new employees are now displayed at the top of the list
  4. Click on the three action points above the list entries and select “Activate multiple selection”
  5. Activate the checkbox in front of the desired employees
  6. Select the “Send e-mail” option in the “Select action” drop-down menu
  7. You will now be redirected to the template selection in “communication”
  8. Select the “Data request” template here
  9. Click on “Next”
  10. Check the employees in the overview and then click on “Send”
Updated on 03/04/2024

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