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  3. E-Mail-Import


Optimally, you will only receive applications via onboard. However, if a request is sent as an e-mail, you can play it into the system via the e-mail import.


For privacy reasons, this feature is disabled by default, but can be easily enabled.

And this is how it works:

  1. Click on “candidates” –> “unanswered” in the side menu on the left.
  2. Click on the “+” symbol
  3. Select “Forward candidate as e-mail”
  4. A pop-up will open
  5. You will be asked to activate the e-mail import
  6. Click on “settings” in the pop-up
  7. You will be redirected to the recruiting settings
  8. Click here on “activate”
  9. A pop-up opens
  10. Confirm the checkbox and click on “send request”
  11. The activation will take place promptly


How does the email import work?

After successful activation, a special e-mail address will be created for you to import e-mails. You can forward applications that arrive by e-mail to this address. These e-mails are then converted into applications by the system and end up in the “unanswered” status. The system takes a lot of information from the e-mail and also recognizes attached files. However, to be on the safe side, you should check the applications again.

The generated e-mail address does not change, so you can also store it in your address book or call it up again by clicking on the “+” symbol.

And this is how it works:

  1. Click on the “+” symbol under “applications” in the “unanswered” status.
  2. Click on “Forward candidate as e-mail”
  3. A pop-up will open
  4. The generated e-mail address is displayed here
  5. Click on “Copy
  6. Now forward the applications from your e-mail program to this address

Data protection for e-mail import
It is recommended that all applications be processed online via the application form, because applicants must actively consent to data processing here.
When importing e-mails, you must inform the applicant about the processing of the data.

Email import per location

If you manage different locations in your company and need to import applicants only for certain locations, you can set up a special e-mail address for the import. The creation of this is possible independently in onboard.

And this is how it works:

  1. Create a new job as an speculative application and assign the desired location(s) to it
  2. Depending on your needs, the job can be published or moved to the archive should you only want to use email import for these locations.

    This job posting “speculative application” will be assigned the imported applicants, so it must not be deleted to perform the import correctly. The reference number can be used to refer other users in onboard.
  3. Now open the preview of the created speculative application and copy the ID of the job in the URL
  4. Now copy the mail address for the e-mail import of your company, which you can find under Settings -> Recruiting -> General -> E-Mail Import, and add the following abbreviation to the ID of the speculative application: “job-XlrkW1rR”. The mail address should now have the form “application.company[….][email protected]”.
  5. You can now use this mail address to import the applications for the location(s) selected for the “speculative application” job.

Admins always see all applications in onboard, regardless of which mail address was used for the import.

Frequently asked questions

Is it possible to use the automatic default response for imported applications?

Yes, it is possible to send the imported applicant an automatic answer. If you want to use this feature, it is enough to add the “.job_email_response-true” abbreviation before the @ sign of the import email address.

When new applicants are received, the authorized users will be notified about it. Can I use these notifications for email import as well?

By adding “.notify-true” in front of the @ sign of your import email address, the users in onboard will also be notified for imported applicants.

Updated on 12/10/2023
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