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  3. Include images in HTML code of the job opening

Include images in HTML code of the job opening

With the ability to edit the HTML code of the job openings, you have several options to customize your job openings graphically.

Data storage

In order to embed your images in the HTML code, you must first have them stored on a data store.

onboard data storage

Of course, we can save the images for you on our data storage and send you the links for further use.


You can also store your images on the online storage “Dropbox”.

To be able to embed the links from Dropbox, an additional parameter is required, which is attached to the link.

Your default link from dropbox ends in dl=0:

To embed the link this must be changed to raw=1:

Here you can find the official information from Dropbox:

Insert images

  1. When creating the job ad in onboard, click on the “” icon by the description box.
  2. In the pop-up that appears now, you can insert the image like this:
<img src="https://www.dropbox.com/s/a1b2c3d4ef5gh6/example.docx?raw=1"/>

When you are satisfied with the appearance, click “save” and continue editing the job opening.

Updated on 04/07/2023

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