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  3. Interface (API) for querying employee data

Interface (API) for querying employee data

Employee data from onboard can be queried via a JSON interface.

API Endpoint

The endpoint can be reached via the following URL:

  • API-KEY: mandatory for authorization; You can get the API key from our support team on request


  • page: page displayed. Begins at 1.




The interface provides the following content:

  • entries: employee information
  • current_page: current page
  • per_page: entries displayed per page
  • total_entries: total entries

The information of the employees contains the master data and possibly information about the employment relationship:

  • id: unique ID in onboard
  • gender: gender. Possible values:
    • unknown: unknown
    • male: male
    • female: female
    • diverse: diverse
    • not_defined: not set
  • language: employee language in ISO 639-1 format
  • first_name: first name
  • last_name: surname
  • email: private email address
  • company_email: company email address
  • phone: private phone number
  • company_phone: company phone
  • birthday: date of birth in the format YYYY-MM-DD
  • tax_number: Italian tax number
  • employee_number: personal number
  • nationality: nationality as country ISO code (e.g. “IT”)
  • birthplace: birthplace
  • street: residence – street
  • street_number: residence – house number
  • city: residence – city
  • postal_code: residence – postcode
  • region: residence – region or district
  • country_code: residence – country as country ISO code (e.g. “IT”)
  • iban: IBAN
  • swift: BIC/SWIFT
  • hired_at: entry date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Can be null when not set yet.
  • leaving_at: exit date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.Can be null when not set yet or the employee has no leaving date.
  • employee_status_id: ID of the status
  • location_id: ID of the location
  • department_id: ID of the department
  • supervisor_id: ID of the supervisor
  • created_at: creation date in ISO 8601 format
  • updated_at: last update in ISO 8601 format
  • photo_url: URL to the employee`s image (original)
  • photo_url_big: URL to the employee`s image (400x400px)
  • photo_url_default: URL to the employee`s image (80x80px)

Certain values are optional. If applicable, the interface contains additional fields (depending on the company’s settings).

Example response:

Updated on 14/03/2024

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