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  3. Interface (API) for querying the terms of employment

Interface (API) for querying the terms of employment

The terms of employment can be queried via a JSON interface.

Endpoint API

The endpoint can be reached through the following URLs:

  • API-KEY: Mandatory for authorisation. You will receive the API key from our support team on request.


  • page: Displayed page. Begins at 1.




The interface provides the following content:

  • entries: Employee information
  • current_page: Current page
  • per_page: Entries displayed per page
  • total_entries: Total number of entries

The employee information contains the master data as well as any information on the terms of employment:

  • id: ID of the terms of employment
  • employee_id: ID of the employee
  • from: Begin in the format YYYY-MM-DD
  • to: End in the format YYYY-MM-DD. If no end is indicated (zero), the employment is permanent.
  • name: designation of the terms of employment
  • notes: comment
  • location_id: ID of the location
  • department_id: ID of the department
  • job_type: Contract type. Possible values:
    • unknown: unknown / not set
    • unlimited: unlimited
    • limited: limited
    • limited_replacement: limited due to replacement
    • freelancer: freelancer
    • on_demand: on demand
    • job_sharing: job sharing
    • home: home work
    • coordinated: continuous and coordinated cooperation
    • internship: internship
    • social: socially beneficial activity / work
    • scholarship: work scholarship and other work experience
    • agency: agency contract
    • seasonal: seasonal contract
    • apprenticeship: traditional apprenticeship
    • apprenticeship_specialized: Vocational specialisation apprenticeship
    • apprenticeship_research: Higher vocational education teaching and research
  • time_type: full-time/part-time. Possible values:
    • unknown: unknown / not set
    • full_time: full-time
    • horizontal_part_time: horizontal part-time
    • vertical_part_time: vertical part time
    • mixed_part_time: mixed part time
  • time_table: timetable (text)
  • classification: classification
  • time_hours: hours per week
  • time_percentage: percent working time

The interface may contain additional or adapted information (depending on which fields the company uses).

Example of interface response:

         "id": 3,
         "employee_id: "RGb11O42",
         "from": "2023-01-15",
         "to": "2023-06-15",
         "time_type": "full_time",
         "time_table": "Mo-Fr 8-16",
         "classification": "AB-1",
         "time_hours": 37.5,
         "time_percentage": 100
Updated on 26/05/2023

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