Publication of job openings via the job portal “hokify”.
- Ask us for the job feed of the interface via [email protected]
- We will send you a special link
- Forward this link to hokify, request your token and mandator and forward this information to [email protected] for activation
Job portal
The interface enables the publication of job openings on:
How does publishing work?
To be able to publish on this job portal, you must select the channel when publishing a job opening. Publication takes place automatically via an interface.
Activate channel
- Activate the button next to the “hokify” entry
- Click on “Next”
Function of the interface
When a job is published on this channel, the job portal is automatically notified and the data is retrieved directly from onboard via an interface.
The same happens when a job advertisement is archived.
Frequently asked questions
Do I now create the job ads on hokify or onboard?
You only create the job ads on onboard, and activate the “hokify” channel when publishing to also publish there.
I have published my ad, but it has not yet appeared on hokify?
The publication does not take place in real time, give the job portal a little time to publish the jobs.