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Locations and Departments

Deposit all branches of your company and create clear structures with your departments.

Add location

During the setup of your personal onboard we already deposit all the branches you tell us about. If something changes here, you can edit the already existing locations or add new ones.

Here’s how:

  1. Click on “Settings” –> “General” in the side menu on the left and then select “Locations”.
  2. Here you can see a list of all your deposited locations
  3. To edit a location, click on the three action items next to its name and select “Edit”.
  4. To create a new location, click on the “+” button at the bottom right corner
  5. In both cases a pop-up opens
  6. Here you can now specify the information of your location
  7. Fill in the fields, we recommend to fill in all address fields
  8. You can also add a custom background image to your site (only relevant for Recruiting module); if you leave this blank, the general company background image will be used
  9. Click “Save” after creation

Add department

If you want to adjust or extend the departments already stored, proceed as follows:

  1. Click on “Settings” –> “General” in the side menu on the left and then select “Departments”.
  2. Here you can see a list of all your deposited departments
  3. To edit a department, click on the three action items next to its name and select “Edit”.
  4. To create a new department click on the “+” button in the bottom right corner
  5. In both cases a pop-up opens
  6. Here you can now specify the information of your department
  7. You can also add an individual background image to your department (only relevant for Recruiting module)
  8. Click “Save” after creation

Background image guide

Here you can find all the important information for wallpaper formats:


For both locations and departments, you may have a need for larger structures.

You may have a super-department (an area) to which two sub-departments are assigned, e.g. the front office area consists of the secretary’s office and reception, for better structuring of job advertisements or also access to employee files for superiors you would like to store this accordingly.

For this you use the onboard hierarchies function. The principle for creating is exactly the same for the locations and departments:

  1. Click on “Locations” or “Departments” under “Settings” –> “General
  2. Via the “+” button you can create a new entry, let’s start with the supercategory
  3. Name the supersite category
    TIP: In case of supersites, it is not necessary to add an address, e.g. the supersite could be “Bolzano” which is subject to two subsites (Bolzano street X and Bolzano street Y).
  4. Click on “Save”
  5. To create a subcategory, click the three action items next to the parent category
  6. Select “Add subcategory”
  7. In the pop up that appears, enter the subcategory information and click “Save”.
  8. The subcategory is now displayed slightly indented below the parent category

You can also move already created departments/locations by clicking on the three action items and selecting “Move to another category”.

Frequently asked questions

What does “Show another name publicly” mean?

For both locations and departments, you can activate a checkbox to store a public name.

You may have several locations in the same city. With this checkbox you can specify the street of the location for the normal name and use e.g. the name of the city as the public name.

It is possible that one of your departments has sub-departments that you would like to record but do not want to communicate to the outside world. For example, if your “Dishwashing” department is a subdepartment of the “Kitchen” department, you can specify “Kitchen” as the public name.

I have background images stored with my locations and departments, which one will be displayed?

In this case, the background image of the department would be displayed in the job ads.

The ranking of the background images, if any, is: Department before Location before Company.

You can find your default corporate wallpaper in the settings under “General”.

Updated on 10/08/2023

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