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Messenger: Migration from the previous communication system

With the launch of Messenger in July 2024, some areas of previous employee communication will change.

What happens to roles that have already been defined?

The messenger can be assigned as a separate access in the role settings of the Talent Management area. This allows you to create roles that are authorised to communicate with employees and those that are not.

The users who previously had a role with authorisation to use communication now also automatically have access to Messenger with the same restrictions by department etc. To change these settings, go to “Roles & access” in the side menu, click on the three action points for the existing roles and select “Edit”. Here you can easily activate, restrict or deactivate the use of Messenger.

What happens to email templates that have already been saved?

Email templates that are already saved in your onboard remain the same. You can now find them in the settings under Talent Management → Messenger.

Where can I find the messages saved under “Activity”?

The “Activity” area will no longer be used to display sent messages, as you will find them in Messenger from now on. This also means that existing messages will be migrated to Messenger. You will now see all sent messages in the chat interface.

What happens if I don’t want to use Messenger but want to continue using the communication?

The “Communication” menu item will be replaced by Messenger, and it will no longer be possible to use communication after the launch in July 2024.

Updated on 24/06/2024

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