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User management

How do I add users and how can I assign roles to them.

What does the status of users mean?

All users who are registered appear in this status. These have registered via the e-mail invitation.
After you add a new user, they will appear in the “invited” status until they register.
If no email invitation is sent when adding the users, they will appear in this status. From there, an invitation can be sent via the three dots at the user.
Deactivated users will no longer be able to log in.

Add user

  1. Click on “User management” in the side menu on the left side
  2. Click on the “+” symbol
  3. You have three options to add a user:
    “Add single users”
    “Add multiple users at once”
    “Import users from file (CSV or Excel)”
  4. Select “Add individual user”
  5. A pop-up opens
  6. Specify here the user related data
  7. Select the checkbox “Send the user an invitation email”.
  8. Click add

The user will now receive an invitation by email, which will direct him to the registration screen. There, all the information you have provided already appears and the user only needs to complete it and set a password.

Assign role

  1. Under “User management”, click on the three points of a registered, invited or added user
  2. A pop-up opens
  3. Here are all the roles that you have created in “Role Management
  4. Click on the desired role
  5. The role is immediately applied to the user

In the filter of the list view you can filter out users with roles.

Deactivate user

  1. Under “User management”, click on the three points of a registered, invited or added user
  2. Click on “deactivated”
  3. The user can now be found in the “deactivated” tab
  4. From there, it can be either reactivated, or completely deleted

Delete user

  1. Under “user management”, click on the “deactivated” tab
  2. Click on the three dots and select “delete”.
  3. The “delete user” pop-up appears
  4. Clicking on “OK” deletes the user

If a user is deleted, the personal data is removed from the system. A recovery is not possible. Contents like comments remain, but only <deleted user> appears.

Updated on 04/07/2023

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